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Department of Biochemistry



The AMF evolved from the Department of Biochemistry’s technical workshop.

One of our main tasks is to support our customers with the development of special technical applications for science, focusing on biotechnology and medical technology.

An idea or problem to be solved is first presented to us and then discussed with the customer. After a thorough analysis, suitable concepts will be developed. We help to choose the right material and manufacturing process. Construction with CAD and testing of prototypes are also part of our services. For the production of the parts, we are equipped with the most advanced AM machines. We carry out many post-processing steps in house to meet the best possible quality standard.

A quick and effective solution is important to us. 

We offer you the following services:

  • Technical Development of Scientific Applications
  • Engineering, Design and Prototyping
  • Production with AM Technologies (3D Printing)

For more Information please visit our AMF website.

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Universität Zürich
Department of Biochemistry
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Office: Y25 H 04
Tel.: +41 44 635 51 56