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Martin Jinek joined the Department of Biochemistry in February 2013 as Assistant Professor with tenure track and was promoted to Associate Professor of Biochemistry as of April 2018.
He is interested in the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate cellular regulation through protein-RNA interactions. His studies include biochemical and structural approaches to investigate these processes at the atomic level.
Martin Jinek studied Chemistry and Natural Sciences at Trinity College, University of Cambridge (UK). In 2006, he received his PhD from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg where he conducted his thesis in the lab of Dr. Elena Conti. He then moved to the University of California in Berkeley for postdoctoral research with Prof. Jennifer Doudna.
Martin is teaching in the following modules:
For the Faculty of Science:
BCH 100: What is Biochemistry
BCH 252: RNA and Proteins: Post-translational regulation of gene expression
BCH 310: Biochemistry III