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Department of Biochemistry

Initial Xtal Screens

screen # screen description
GS007 (XLSX, 22 KB) Clear Strategy screen I &II, pH 5.5 & 6.5; (MDL:MD1-14 & MD1-15)
GS008 (XLSX, 22 KB) Clear Strategy screen I ⅈ pH 7.5 & 8.5; (MDL:MD1-14 & MD1-15)
GS020 (XLSX, 20 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4,NaCl 1.0M + 150mM (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS021 (XLSX, 20 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4, (NH4)2SO4 200 mM; Mg-Acetate 50 mM, (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS022 (XLSX, 21 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4,K-phosphate // Li-Na-sulfate (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS023 (XLSX, 20 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4,KCl 500mM // CaCl2 200mM (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS024 (XLSX, 20 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4, Ammonium-Formate; Zinc Acetate, Potassium Iodide (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS025 (XLSX, 20 KB) PEG400 15-45%//PEG4000 5-30%, pH gradient 4.5 ~ 9.4,No Addition; Potassium-Sodium-Tartrate (Membrane Protein - MacKinnon Screen)
GS027 (XLSX, 19 KB) JCSG-plus™ MD1-37
GS028 (XLSX, 17 KB) PACT premier™ MD1-29, PACT Buffer Protocols (PDF, 594 KB)
GS031 (XLSX, 19 KB) Structure Screen I & II, (MDL: MD1-01 & MD1-02)
GS044 (XLSX, 19 KB) Additive screen: JBScreen Plus (Jenabioscience:CS-507L); The customer provides a buffer solution that is 10 % more concentrated.
GS045 (XLSX, 23 KB) Mem Gold (MDL: MD1-41)
GS046 (XLSX, 21 KB) Peg/Ion screen (Hampton Research: HR2-126 & HR2-098)
GS048 (XLSX, 22 KB) Crystal Screen & Crystal Screen 2: (Hampton research:HR2-110 & HR2-112)
GS055 (XLSX, 763 KB) MIDAS, (MDL:MD1-106), Crystallization conditions with alternative polymeric precipitant, MDL Datasheet (PDF, 244 KB)
GS056 (XLSX, 24 KB) HELIX, (MDL:MD1-68), Crystallization conditions for nucleic acid fragments, double stranded DNA, RNA and ribozymes, MDL Datasheet (PDF, 244 KB)
GS073 (XLSX, 25 KB) Index HT; Hampton Research HR2-144
GS074 (XLSX, 21 KB) SG1 (ShotGun Screen), Molecular Dimensions MD1-88 (PDF, 176 KB), set of conditions that occur with highest, non redundant frequency amongst all PDB deposit. A drunken search in crystallization space, Vincent J. Fazio,a Thomas S. Peata and Janet Newman
GS075 (XLSX, 19 KB) Morpheus, Molecular Dimensions, MD1-46; Datasheet-GS075 (PDF, 676 KB)
GS076 (XLSX, 19 KB) Pi-PEG, Jena Bioscience, CS-128
GS078 (XLSX, 20 KB) Additiv Screen; Hampton Research, HR2-138; The customer provides a buffer solution that is 10 % more concentrated.
GS079 (XLSX, 19 KB) Gras 1;Hampton Research; HR2-451; different short PEG in low concentration with different salt, pH: 4-9
GS080 (XLSX, 19 KB) Gras 3; Hampton Research, HR2-453; different short PEG in low concentration with different salt, pH: 4-9
GS081 (XLSX, 20 KB) Gras 5; Hampton Research, HR2-455; different short PEG in low concentration with different salt, pH: 4-9
GS083 (XLSX, 24 KB) BCS Screen, PEG smears
Molecular Dimensions, MD1-104
GS084 (XLSX, 24 KB) Crystal Screen 1+2 Cryo,
Hampton Research; HR2-122 + HR2-121
GS085 (XLSX, 24 KB) (NH4)2SO4 0.5-3.0M, pH-gradient:3~10
GS086 (XLSX, 18 KB) Small Molecule Anion screen (PDF, 665 KB) is a crystallisation screen for organic salts, active pharmaceutical ingredients, coordination complexes and peptides.
Molecular Dimensions MD1-125
GS087 (XLSX, 26 KB) Morpheus Fusion (PDF, 3 MB) is a incomplete factorial protein crystallization screen for membrane and soluble proteins.
Molecular Dimensions MD1-129

Weiterführende Informationen


New employee at PCC

I am delighted to welcome Görkem Kurtuldu to PCC as a Senior Scientist. She will be stepping into the role as my designated successor. Görkem brings a fresh perspective to PCC, and I am excited to see the positive impact she will make.
Please join me in welcoming Görkem!

New screen:

What’s new:
PCC supports researchers with preparing custom screens through their pipetting service. The researcher can freely compose a screen with up to 30 different stock solutions.
Be sure to have a look and feel free to ask the PCC staff concerning this new service.

We had to adjust the prices for plates that are set up at 4°C due to the significantly higher wear and tear of the liquid handler stationed in the cold room.

The new screen Morpheus® Fusion (Product#: MD1-129) from Molecular Dimensions is now available at PCC as the initial screen GS087.


RockImager and Liquid Handler Status

RockImager 20°C:
The imaging schedule is on time.

RockImager 4°C:
The imaging schedule is on time.

Crystal Gryphon 4°C:
In Operation.

Crystal Gryphon LCP 20°C:
In Operation.

Crystal Phoenix 20°C:
In Operation.

Freedom EVO w/ MCA 96 + RoMa
In Operation

Freedom EVO w/ LiHa
In Operation


Universität Zürich
Department of Biochemistry
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Office: Y44 J 30/34

Dr. Görkem Kurtuldu
Tel.: +41 44 635 65 57